Email Requests


Hello there Michael,

Following on from our telephone conversation yesterday, I am writing to you today to confirm why exactly we would like to conduct a short live interview with you.

I am a second year Media Production student at the University of Lincoln. As part of the ‘Radio and Sound’ module of the course, students are required to create and broadcast a one hour live show on Siren FM, this year entitled ‘Headspace’.

I am producer for the show that is due to air on Wednesday 26th November at 14:00, and, along with a team of four others, I am aiming to create a show which explores how radio is created. A ‘behind the scenes look’ if you will.

As part of that, I would very much like to explore the different types of radio and how they differ from each other, in terms of how each type of show is created.

To this end, the reason that I would like to be able to do an interview with you is in order to add your voice to the discussion from the perspective of public service radio, as a contrast to commercial radio, community radio and student radio, which we shall also be exploring throughout the show.

Also, would it at all be possible to send a couple of my team members over to have a look at the studios at BBC Radio Lincolnshire at some point next week? I feel that having a couple of team members who have seen first-hand how the station operates from the perspective of an ‘outsider’ to public service radio would add to the on-air discussion.


I hope this has clarified any issues that you may have had from our telephone conversation.

If you have any further concerns or would like to discuss this with me further, please feel free to contact me via mobile on 07901758927 or via email at*

Thank you very much for agreeing to help us. The interview should be fairly short and I will let my team know that you need to be off as soon as possible.


Yours. Sincerely,


Robert Wetherall

Level 2, BA (Hons) Media Production

Lincoln School of Film and Media




Hello there,

Following on from our telephone conversation yesterday, I am writing to you today to confirm why exactly we would like to conduct a short interview with Mr. Dunderdale, either pre-recorded or live.

I am a second year Media Production student at the University of Lincoln. As part of the ‘Radio and Sound’ module of the course, students are required to create and broadcast a one hour live show on Siren FM, this year entitled ‘Headspace’.

I am producer for the show that is due to air on Wednesday 26th November at 14:00, and, along with a team of four others, I am aiming to create a show which explores how radio is created. A ‘behind the scenes look’ if you will.

As part of that, I would very much like to explore the different types of radio and how they differ from each other, in terms of how each type of show is created.

To this end, the reason that I would like to be able to do an interview with Mr. Dunderdale is in order to add his voice to the discussion from the perspective of commercial radio, as a contrast to public service radio, community radio and student radio, which we shall also be exploring throughout the show.

Also, would it at all be possible to send a couple of my team members over to have a look at the studios at Lincs FM at some point next week? I feel that having a couple of team members who have seen first-hand how the station operates from the perspective of an ‘outsider’ to commercial radio would add to the on-air discussion.


I hope this has clarified any concerns that you may have had from our telephone conversation.

If you have any further concerns or would like to discuss this with me further, please feel free to contact me via mobile on 07901758927 or via email at*

Due to current time constraints with the show being two weeks away, if you could let me know as soon as possible whether we can conduct the an interview with Mr. Dunderdale, that would be much appreciated.


Thank you very much for your help.


Yours. Faithfully,

Robert Wetherall
Level 2, BA (Hons) Media Production

Lincoln School of Film and Media



Hello there


I am a second year Media Production student at the University of Lincoln. As part of the ‘Radio and Sound’ module of the course, students are required to create and broadcast a one hour live show on Siren FM, this year entitled ‘Headspace’.

I am producer for the show that is due to air on Wednesday 26th November at 14:00, and, along with a team of four others, I am aiming to create a show which explores how radio is created. A ‘behind the scenes look’ if you will.

As part of that, I would very much like to explore the different types of radio and how they differ from each other, in terms of how each type of show is created.

To this end, the reason that I would like to be able to do an interview with you is in order to add your voice to the discussion from the perspective of community radio, as a contrast to commercial radio, public service radio and student radio, which we shall also be exploring throughout the show.

I believe Lauren Woods, one of the two presenters for the show, has already spoken to you regarding the possibility of a pre-recorded phone interview this Saturday. We are booked in to the studio from 10:30-12 on this day, so if you are still available to do the interview, please let me know what times you can do. Alternatively, we are also booked in on Sunday 2pm to 5pm if that’s easier for you.

Some of the questions we are going to ask you are as follows:

  • Could you explain a bit about what Gravity FM is and what your role was?
  • What made you want to get into radio?
  • Was it difficult getting listeners for your community radio station since there are a lot of bigger firms like the BBC who attract a huge audience?
  • What kind of radio do you listen to?
  • What was the highlight of working for Gravity FM for you?
  • Did you have any funny or interesting events that happened to you while working there?
  • What did you do after Gravity FM?


If you have any further concerns or would like to discuss this with me further, please feel free to contact me via mobile on 07901758927 or via email at*


Thank you very much for agreeing to help us.


Yours. Sincerely,


Robert Wetherall

Level 2, BA (Hons) Media Production

Lincoln School of Film and Media

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